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lol ness


Well since tim did a pretty good report of dreamworld, sime put photos up and ness made a play... i got nothin but a cartoon strip.. of timmeh of course. lol life of the party that guy.

photo album photos

so i was going through my one and only photo album of pictures from when i was born till now (its not even full yet) and i found some interesting peices.

k u know how asian parents protect valuable items like the TV remote in clear plastic so that it doesnt get dirty but the plastic gets dirty anyway? and it gets to the point where the plastic is so cloudy that u cant even see the numbers on the remote anymore. well this photo demonstrates the precautions my mum took when i was such a troublesome little baby.

i gotta say.. in my younger years... i was the most fashionable dresser ever. i mean... i dunno why ppl didnt ask me to take up modeling...

does everyone know my 'seductive wink'? u would be so lucky to see me at my sexiest.

but did u know that it wasnt in my late teens that i developed this look of seduction.... i was doing it way back in the the DAY I WAS BORN!!!


Springwood buddies, here are some pro photos i got printed. You may steal them now. luv frances


Melbourne was awesome. It's all a blur now but yeah it was sooo much fun. but first things first... ANYTHING BUI AND EMILY SAY ABOUT ME AND MELBOURNE CAMP IS A LIEEEEE. ok now that that's done.. let me share with u kids what REALLY happened at camp.

well yeah the camp was like a collaboration of all Chinese Methodist Youths around Australia. 4 ppl from our youth went - me, Em, Janet and Janet. There was an english side and Chinese (fobs) side. it was pretty much like EMP youth camp except.. I like knew no-one. Except the 3 other girls. So yeah... u end up repeating ur conversations as soon as u talk to someone else. gets tiring though. this is an example of my conversations on the first day of camp.

Someone: What's your name?
Me: Frances. But u can call me France or Francey or Fran or Franny or Frank or Frankie or Frankus or Francine or Francesca or Fanny Dong.
Someone: *blank stare* So Frances, where are you from?
Me: Eight Mile Plains, Brisbane.
Someone: What nationality are u?
Me: Well I was born in Australia, Melbourne actually, but my mum is Cambodian and my Dad is Chinese.
Someone: So what do u do?
Me: Umm..
Someone: Like do u work?
Me: Bahahaha
Someone: ok... so ur studying?
Me: Well no.
Someone: *Thinks 'so ur a bum?'
Me: I just graduated from highskool
Someone: NO WAYYYY...
Me: How old did u think I was?
Someone: 20 or 21
Me: Why is it that whenever I'm in a group of asian strangers they think im older than I am?
Someone: So...what do u want to study?
Me: Bachelor of Business Management at the University of Queensland dual with a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Psychology.

ok. now these are my answers to the same questions by the end of camp.

Name? Frances.
From? Bris
Nationality? It's confusing
Work? I'm 17. dun worry, everyone else thinks im old.
Study? Business (topic will end there... dunno why...)

oh and i've been told this camp is like a dating service... married couples met at these camps. but let me tell u.. it's no dating service... everyone already had boyfriends and girlfriends. not that i was lookin or anything. shut up bui.

oh and it's tru that when u dont have something u appriciate it more. never have i wanted to taste the taste of tasteless water so badly. the camp water was yellow and tasted like fish and algae.

oh and i was always hungry at camp. ive finished all my meals *slaps self in face* and they were reasonable meals too. today i got home and my mums like "You havent been sleping have u. ur so skinny!" I have been eating! i tells the tarooth.

oh and my alter ego 'crazy asian photo taker' was unleeshed once again. (refer to myspace)

oh!!! i have to show u this. ok one the very first day i noticed that some ppl at camp look like ppl from EMP.

Sven's twin

Nathan's twin

Joshua Ting in 13 years

Sime L's twin (He did that pose himself)

Brian and Alex's third brother

but anyways lol it was fun and all but what i loved bout camp was seeing so many ppl have a passion for God. made me realise i few things. shall blog bout it later. for now i must go. hope to see my EMP buddies tomorrow!!
luv francey

I found YouTube

Dylan's Beer Can -

Intro to Legally Blonde -

Springwood Seniors 06 -

Fairlie's Bloodknuckles (Rated M - violence, language and springwoodness) -

Mickee and Icecube (Skoolies) -

springWOOD formal

they said it's not possible... but with God... i achieved the impossible...

bahaha ok serious now. i have achieved what asians has dreamed of doing... not spending a dime on their formal outfit.
dress - bec's
shoes, handbag - max's
makeup - viki
hair - myself
jewellery - viv's

ahh the beauty of having asian friends who understood my ambitious goal.

FORMAL WAS AWESOME!!! (or is was just better than what people expected... which was crap) so ok let me take u through what happened on "my big day". why do ppl make it sound like my wedding? anyways so we went to skool that day.. yeah crazy... but its springwood... logic just doesnt come into it. and we got our skool magazine (or year book) and i open it up to see... most photos were taken by myself. i will now forever be remembered as the crazy-asian-photo-taker.

so anyways i got home. and did my hair (in about 15mins). pay-50bucks-for-a-hairdresser-to-do-unnecessary-things-to-my-hair-for-90mins my ass. and then i headed off to meet viki to get my makeup done. the 2 hours sitting in a chair is all a blur to me. but one thing i do remember. viki is wonderful at makeup but there was one incident where she put black eyebrow liner on my eyebrows. but the thing is.. my eyebrows are already black.. so it just kinda 'enhanced' the blackness.

viki: Do you like it??
Me: yeah.......
*stares at mirror*
Me: but um.. do u know charlie chaplain?
Viki: yeah i know charlie chaplain.
Viki: *gasp* oooooh my gosh! err let me get that off for u.

but yeah lol everyone loved her work so claps to viki :D omgshhhh seeing everyone all dressed up and adult-like was freaky as! and skool ppl saying i look nice is just as freaky. well come on.. i really dont care what i look like at skool.. u wear the same uniform everyday.. and when u look like u work at McDonald's.. u just give up on all hope of lookin good. JOKES. but anyways everyone looked sooo celebrity. formals show that anyone can look beautiful.. just depends if u could be stuffed.

so back to it. we took photos at underwood park. then the limo came. and we took photos in that. then we go to the hilton. and took photos there. then we went in the room to eat. but where oh where was the food? why did they have to make us wait? were they worried that ppl wouldnt take advantage of a buffet? hello.. most ppl didnt have time for lunch that day.. i think we were more than capable. i looked at the menu and it said "Beginners, Main, Dessert" i got my first plate.. ate thinking "ok go easy... save room for the main... abuse the buffet". by the time i finished.. the guy goes "ok now its time for DESSERT!"
WHATTTT WEB OF LIES!!! apparently i already ate my main meal. so thats how the buffet tricked me.

and we danced the nite away. and my feet will never forgive me for what i put them through... curse you high heels.. *gets down on knees* CURSE YOU!!!!

but the nite was soooo much fun. music was awesome and the enthusiasm... never have i seen so much skool pride in a springwood event... and it happened in the last week of highskool.. nice work guys.

ok so i went to an after party... but u see.. everyone was dead tired from formal... we just ended up sitting around drinking (but not me.. if i did i would have been pissing like a pregnant race horse). we couldnt even be bothered to make conversation. ahh but a good nite anyway!

so hope u guys had fun too. will miss everyone. graduation around the corner. bring on the kleenexs. luv yas.
God bless.

m physics buddies

u ever have those moments where ur so close to finishing skool that u start to realise how much u'll miss it and how much u love ur skool friends? i had one of those moments. i was sitting out on the veranda at mickee's and sean's, studying for physics with the dudes. i could never have so much fun studying physics for the exam the next day without my physics buddies.

why i love my physics buddies...?

ok well let's start with pharan. crazy but hilarious guy. when u get him calmed down hes such a nice guy. known him since grade 4 and wow.. we've changed since then. i think we used to hate eachother in primary skool. ahhh good times. lol he's kinda protective too. i love it how he drives me home and KNOWS i have my keys in my hand but has to wait till im physically inside the house before he leaves. i mean... u never know when those crazy geckos will come out to get me :P

then there's mickee. he makes me laugh. and now ur prolly thinkin "gee frances... anyone can make u laugh". but i mean head on desk, running-out-of-air laughter. lol whether its his random swearing outbursts, random sean-hating and random hair-stroking. he also makes me feel at home anywhere. i could have the daggiest hair and wear my PJs to his house and not give a care (which i did last nite).

finally there's sean. one of the nicest guys i know. can't get over how courteous he is. like ok, ud think that in year 12 physics ud be competing with ppl and all... but this guy... prolly one place above me on the ranking ladder... happily explains stuff to me until i get it... and if u didnt figure.. thats a long time. its like that beer ad... "would u give up ur window seat so she can see the view... or would u be like sean? now that gallantry."

dont have an apple photo of sean :(

so yeah there they are. and even though we finished our last physics test and will longer embrace the beauty of hardcore studying together... i know i'll be seeing u guys around after skool, or as pharan calls it - LIFE. i thank God for friends like u guys :) have an awesome week.
peace out.

pop punk rock emo... thing

i slapped sam in the face today. 5 times. lol and it got harder each time.

a bunch of us went to nina's to film a video clip to no doubt's 'bathwater' song. i played the role of a girl whos boyfriend is a man slut. i get mad at him alot, push him around and slap him. i can see my future as an abusive girlfriend. lol jokin! i couldnt even slap sam right. hence we had to do it five times. i think he got a tiny bit annoyed. lol sorry dude! poor guy was bored out of his brains waiting for us to shot the bloody scenes.

oh yeah and i dressed up like a... well.. there are no words to describe it. hmm a sad attempt at a punk rock chick... a 'veronicas'? it has its benefits though... no need to brush ur hair since u gotta tease it every now and then. u can have no clue how to put on accessories like suspendors and it'll look like u 'meant to do that'.

the suspendors are hanging off my ass at the back.

downside is having to reapply the lipstick three times today. hehe ashleigh u so cute.

but a fun day before the cram study week.



I had three telemarketers call me within 30 minutes. I don't wanna be rude and just hang up so I just kinda stand there and pretend to listen for a minute or two before saying, “I'm not Mrs Dong.” and Ellen shares this frustration. So together we made a list of what to say the next time we get the much anticipated call.

1.My English is not sufficient for this conversation. I do apoligise.

2.I'm sorry, I have selective hearing. Could you please repeat each word five times?

3.My mummy and daddy aren't home. I like peanuts.

4.JESUS LOVES YOU!!! *arms flailing madly*

5.*leave the phone on the table and let the darlings talk their arses off*

6.Umm... I don't know what that word means... could you please spell that? D.E. SLOWER DARN IT!!! D.E.A.L... ok now let me go get the dictionary *hang up*

7.'How are you today, Mrs Dong?' 'oh well now that you've asked... I have these horrible pimples coming up in places you don't wanna know about. Oh but what the hell... I'll tell you.

8.Yes yes that's all good and interesting. But what I wanna know is... did the chicken come before the egg? Yeah betchu don't have that answer on ur script hey!

9.So, what are you wearing?

10.'You should hear about our special offers!' 'Oh I really wish I could but the problem is: I don't want to.'

sackcloth Vs bikini

modesty. now there's a word u don't hear very often these days.
integrity. there's another one.
self-value. dun think that's even a word.. but it is for now.

so i just finished a book called 'Do you think I'm beautiful?' and i've been thinking... what are my own standards when it comes to how i present myself? i mean, i don't exactly want to walk around in a sack-cloth with hair that has never known the purpose of a brush. but i definately don't want to skip around in a skirt that could be used as a belt and enough mascara to pave a car park.

most girls wanna be noticed, adored and loved. but how do they go about it? sure, i could wear more expensive clothes that are skimpier. but let me explain a little something bout myself.

1. i'm asian. therefore i will pay for my money's worth. to pay more for less material is just not logical to me.

2. i don't want to be slutty. now u can wear skimpy clothes and not be 'slutty' but i guess i prefer not to get myself in the situation where i'll be tempted to sell myself short.

3. i want a guy to see me how God sees me. God sees me for who i am on the inside. cliche but true. i believe God finds me beautiful...even in my dorky penguin PJs. id like to believe that i can find a guy who would find me adorable even if im 50 kg heavier and a thousand wrinkles wrinklier.

4. i have God. i don't need guys to whistle at me to feel noticed, adored or loved cuz i get that from God. and its so much purer, more powerful and perfect in every way.

i was shopping with ness on sunday afternoon. we were walking along and this large white figure came our way. what was it? an angel? pop 'n fresh? a chick wearing a white top? yeah. it was the last one. and oooooooh my gosh. did she get attention or what. she was wearing a white top thinner than tissue paper - tight enough to give the support of a bra. i guess that's why she didn't wear one. and for an asian... u just know those things aren't real.

now don't get me wrong. she could have been a really nice girl. but at first site... that's not the kinda message i wanna send about myself. it wasn't appealing. and if its appealing to most guys... then i guess i wouldn't date most guys.

but my point is, i wanna be respected as a girl with integrity. someone who values who she is and doesn't give a care if ppl think she's too 'christian'. it is possible for a girl to have God and have style.

Mr Graham. Physics genius.

the confetti was matt's request.


i handed in my last english extension assignment. WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!! *dances* i recorded me and Lj doing a victory dance on my camera when we handed in our assignment... then Mr McCarron came in and told us we needed to fix a few things. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. lol that was painful.

i'll tell u what else is painful. Blood knuckles. What's blood knuckles? it's an extraordinary display of pure stupidity. Irrational male ego. and mild entertainment for the audience.

basically ur aim is to keep a 20c coin spinning. if u stuff it up, you put ur knuckles on the desk and wait in anticipation of the other person who flicks the coin into ur knuckles. hard.

if u flick the coin off the desk three times, you get hit by a 50c coin. many other rules, cant be bothered.

phileep's excitement of having the chance to slaughter fairlie's kunckles.

why do we find violence so hilarious. i nearly cried from laughter after watching mickee and sam take turns in slugging eachother. i mean what's so funny bout a fist travelling at a great velocity and colliding with a stationary object (e.g. mickee). i do not know.

but its moments like these that i'll miss once i leave skool.
luv u guys lots.

it's term four and the crazy-asian-photo-taking frances is unleashed (is that how u spell it?). photos from mook cake, sunday skool sunday and awards nite are up on my space -

feel free to steal them.
peace out

the creation

my faithful friend

the fears which come with english extension

My-mini-me (evolve anna, evolve!)

anna is so cute lol

vonnie's greatest fear

for those who went to the city on that day and those who heard the stories

web of lies

sometimes shopping hurts

the attack of the flies

my house is being attacked by flies. dunno where they came from... but they are flooding the house. i must have killed like 20 of them with my trusty fluro pink fly swatter.

i thought i was the best. fly. killer. everrr.. i mean the only person who can kill 20 flies is someone who has so much concentration, so much precision and so much positive chi. lord of the flies my ass... queen fly killer right here.

then my mum had to kill my little moment of victory by killing another 22 flies.

mum: wow. flies in australia are so easy to kill.
me: that's becuz asian flies have alot of kum pow. (my asian word for 'win')
mum: maybe it's becuz aussie flies are too fat... so they can't fly.
me: they can fly... they're just slower and stupider.

yeah didn't realise how racist that sounded till after i said it. was pretty funny though. but yeah apparently asian flies know how to get away from a giant coming at them with a plastic-fan-thing. and apparently you gotta hit them harder. i could give the flies in my house a little friendly pat on the back and they'd roll over and die. maybe it wasn't my kum pow after all.

brb... i c another one... *grabs trusty fluro pink fly swatter*

OMGSH!!! these flies are such fakers! i like swatted one just then and it laid dead for like two minutes and then just got up again all fine and dandy! WEB OF LIES!!! these flies are tricky as... i bet the 20 flies have always been the same fly!

look i even took photos for u guys. see, theres the little guy playing dead...

and there's the little guy two mins later! TRICKEHHH

my kum pow is so non-existant right now.

missing the hols

2 week holidays = 15 fast food meals
= a little more giggle in the arms
= aimless bumming in the city
= 6 consecutive days of the Lims
= 11 consecutive days of going out (achievement for me)
= countless visits to the Lim's house
= watching full grown men grab eachothers thighs and their interesting thrusting action while being pinned to the ground by other men (actually understood the footy)
= teaming up with bui to give steph a pep talk (sorry if we corrupted ur little sis ems)
= $200 dollars missing from account (and by missing, i mean spent)
= 14 days of avoiding anything related to school work
= 10 - 12 hours sleep each nite (oooooooh yeah.)
= no internet (how did i survive? refer to the above)

it's the first day of term 4. and i'm missing the holidays so much. but... just wanna thank God for just an awesome holiday of spending time with friends and having a good time. 5 more weeks of highskool, people!!! *victory dance* we shall party and it will be grand.

oh and most of you may know... that i dressed up like an asian for a costume party at youth. i was the best. asian. EVERRRR.

p.s. ness, you click the pictures... click... like with the mouse lol.

Protest... Springwood Style

okies ppl outside school wont get this at all. ok so what happened was that the school decided that theyve had enough of the students destroying the toilets (we actually used up all our funding money given by some organisation by fixing toilets). sooo they thought, "hey, the only way to solve this is by locking all the toilets in the school." "Ah yes. Pure genius... burst their bladders! burst them ALL!!!"

so yes in order for u to go to the toilet... u must take ur diary, get it signed by ur class teacher, take it to the office, show the ladies, get ur name marked off, get a key, take it to the toilet and open, do ur thang, lock the door after u come out, go back to the office, return key, sign off, go back to class.

i think by the time uve gotten to the office u would have pissed ur pants... if not that... worse. but yes that leads onto a story of a girl at skool who decided to crap in the middle of the toilet room to make a statement about the new rules. the boys came up with something different. but really its not that different. we springwooders are so creative.

Bust out

well ppl are telling to put up some more comics so here u go children. oh and for those who didnt figure it out... u click on the comics to enlarge. (as in left click... left...)

for those who saw pharan dance on stage (meaning the entire school) this is for u

Year 12.
Term 3.
exam block.
widely acclaimed as one of the most horrific experiences of the average overly-ambitious asian teenager's life.

ok so here's the thing. its year 12. crazy-time-blah-blah and i thought i would have to cut back on church, at least thats what my teachers were telling me.

teacherdude: so how u handling year 12?
me: ahh... depends on ur definition of 'handling'. *nervous laugh* its just a bit hard with assignments, church and work (forgot to mention to him that i work a whopping one shift a week at crazy's)
teacherdude: Well, maybe you should think bout missing church a little. Skool comes first!
me: *thinks* (aw man. poor guy. just when u start to wonder if teachers have lives outside skool) lol i think i'd rather quit crazy's, sir

i got why he was trying to get me to put skool as a higher priority, but seriously, sometimes when u put God first, everything else will just go according to plan. maybe not your plan, but a plan - a better plan. so i thought to myself "you know what... i'm gunna just try and go to choir, youth, church and bible study all through term 3." not just cuz i love going to church (for those who think ppl would have to be gagged, tied up and thrown into the back of a car to be taken to church) but just cuz i've seen what being faithful to God can do.

me: thinking to self (physics exam... in two days... maybe i should start learning everything the class has done this term)
i dont think i've ever been sooo unprepared for a test than those two physics tests.

knowledge and procedure.
there was one topic that the teacher told us to study that i didnt take any note of. *goes into test thinkin* (ok maybe it wont show up too much) *flips over page* no. *flips again* NO. *flips rapidly* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

scientific processing and complex reasoning (worse than it sounds, trust me.)
*reads question* ?
*reads again* ??
*reads each word for three seconds each* WHAAAAA???? i dont even understand the question!! how am i meant to answer it?? *starts wondering if drawing a simley face on the graph paper will get me points for trying*

i was just praying to God through that whole block exams. and came out thinking i did horribly but i wasnt gunna blame God for that. u dont not study all term and say "so God ive been goin to church everyweek... where's my A huh?" i was just praying that ive done my best and that i still trust Him.

but today goodole sean comes up to be and says "hey frances! you're fourth in ranking for physics!"
me: *high pitch yell* WHAT??
sena: you're fourth in ranking for physics!
me: WHATTT???
sena: you're fourth in ranking for physics! (exact same enthusiasm as the first two times)

im pretty sure i wasnt fourth before that dreadful test so it was like woooowww. thanx God ^^

and thats only one example. so many times, God has been faithful to me. and that makes me wanna be faithful to Him. and even if i was disappointed with my results... i know God will be with me, continuely loving me, guiding me and teaching me...

nothing is impossible for Him :)


QCS day one: early start at skool - 7:30am
nice breakfast accompanied by some radio music and pharan screaming at the top of his lungs "IT'S OKAY PPLZ!!!! DESTRESS!!! *runs around*" cool calm and collected indeed.

so first up was the Writing Task. and ooooooooooh man. i don't think i've ever seen a room full of SPRINGWOOD students be so serious... all at the same time. u could hear a pin drop when everyone started entering the room. sure, i started to get a little nervous when they made us sit there for 15 minutes in silence but hey... with Ashley Ham showing me her hand shaking violently and Katelyn nearly passing out infront of me... i felt ok.

ok so walked out of the WT with a newfound hatred for QCS, saying that when i become the queen of the world, i'll make sure QCS is put to its firey end :) and then lunch break... the sharings. man, its amazing how many different ideas ppl can get from the stimulus 'shape'. For example, there's body image, body image aaaaand body image!

so anyways Multiple Choice... hmm they should really rename that to "Fill-In-Random-Circles-And-Hope-For-The-Best". so yeah FIRCAHFTB was over and ppl were dancing out of the room. me walking out and crushing their spirits by saying "hello... there's still tomorrow ppl." sorry guys :P

day two... breakfast again... but... something was different... *gasp* pharan wasnt screaming anymore... why? he took his rage out on an innocent brick wall. ahh yes.. i know i'll be picking up Pharan's "How to Destress" book.

anyways i thought i did ok in short response... until ppl told me that they wont mark the written stuff if its in pencil. *dies*. yeah... was a little peeved off but i managed to get that out... by giving everyone else a massage... i guess i destress when i help other ppl relax lol oh but i later found out that it'll still be marked... thank God.

then MC2 and then.. it was over!!! then the dancing and skipping began.

and now... exam block and assignments. *sigh* shall celebrate the end of term three soon my friends... soon.
luv yas lots!

Frank's beauty tips

the asian hair lives on.

B1 and B2

i can do a whole series on these two.

The Trainer Family 2

sequel to the previous one i did of sean and mickee. lol u guys are so cute together. this is to all those in my lunch group (cept dylan).

Crazy crazy crazy clarks

this happened at work the other nite. a few alterations at the end. its more like what would have been said... but i wanted to keep my job.

the trainer family

twin brothers a so caaaoote together ^^

Just another class of Physics

this is for all those people out there who sit in the back row of my physics class. You know who you are. This ones for you. :)


another english extension moment... its amazing what u find funny in a class of two ppl... esp when one is sleep deprived and the other hadnt eaten in 36 hours.

Do you think I'm beautiful?

Hey everybody!
ok so with all the blogs ive been making... only one is actually talking bout something besides my comics lol so i thought id let out some thoughts.

well u guys may know that it was my bday like more than a week ago but... im gettin all the pressies now :P and ive noticed a pattern in what ppl got me. Scarf, gloves, bag, jumper, top, jacket, jewellery and secret pressies to come that are apparently fashionable too.

me: Are you guys trying to tell me I'm a dag? *raises eyebrow*
Max: No. *takes hands* We're just trying to make you realise your 'potential'
me: *rolls eyes*

Most of you know that i act like i don't want to change by being more girly or more attractive. But to tell you the truth... it IS an act. But the other truth is... i dun really know how to do that. oh wait... you guys obviously already knew that lol

but yeah i guess ever since i was a youngster, i was like... the 'meh' girl. 'Meh' girl is the girl that has attractive friends and compared to them... shes just plain. Her friends would always get asked out but she would never get a guy to look at her that way.

Going back to the pressies thing, I also got a book called "Do you think I'm beautiful?" and the subtitle says "The question every woman asks". Reading that, I was just like "Pfft... I dont ask that" *sticks chin in air like shes got so much self-esteem she doesn't need to read the book* But I started reading the book this afternoon and the way the author described her childhood was kinda related to mine. She was a 'meh' girl and the quarterbacks would call her name, pull her aside... then ask if they had a chance with her gorgeous friends. I had that too.

but yeah most ppl wouldnt call me pretty until my later highskool years. but even after that... I still feel like I want to be noticed more, to be gorgeous on the outside and... well basically adored. It sounds horrible... but the author made it pretty clear that almost every girl has that desire. I don't think i'm as insecure as the author described herself... but she did make me realise that i was just pretending that i didnt want attention and physical beauty. i used to say that God has blessed me with a 'guy repellent' to keep me out of trouble. its been working pretty well i think, but at the same time, I kinda had that feeling of wanting someone to tell u how beautiful you are, without you asking them the age old question "how do i look?"

So i thought about this a bit... and then the author described her lowest point of struggling with this desire that seemed to be impossible to fulfilled. she was lieing on the floor, crying and then said to God:

God, do YOU think I'm beautiful? No one else has been able... so is it You? Tell me that you love me. Tell me that You'll fight for me. Tell me that I am beautiful.

then she sensed God patiently smiling over her, saying to her heart:

Yes, I think that you are beautiful. Your deirie has served its purpose; you have finally brought your true heart to Me. Are you tired of hoping that someone else could fill the place that was meant for Me? I see you, I know all of you... I see your sin and I see your flaws and I still love you. You are incredibly beautiful to Me.

how awesome is that? the fact that no one else knows my flaws, my weaknesses and wordly desire the way God does and He loves me more than any other. That's real love. That's what ive been wanting all my life... and the thing is... I've always had it. It's only when I opened my eyes to God's love that i realised it. There's no one i could trust more. No one could find me more beautiful and precious than Him. Mushy sounding, I know. But i dont really care :D He is my comfort, my sheild, my Father, my Lord, my shepherd, my creator and my friend. and when I meet God in heaven... I wanna hear him say... "Frances... you are beautiful."

Francey's asian hair 2

this is the sequel to "Francey's asian hair"... look what u've started mickee...


ok so in english we were learning bout hitler, the jewish and nazi ppl times and yeah Mrs Sheperd randomly tells us bout how back in those days stockings were a device for luring women. as a result... i had to draw a comic bout it.

Writer's conference

this is mickee if he had to do his english oral presentation where he's a writer at a writers conference.

Springwood Council Meeting

this one happened at a student council committee meeting. no exaggerations.

Veggie backpack

i thought i'd put sumfin up that ppl who dont know my skool friends mite get.